In Verse: A Plant or Two In Your Cave

Bruce Cockburn–Salt, Sun and Time 
“It Won’t Be Long”

the petals from the geraniums we brought indoors
litter the oak floor after I vacuum the room
when I take the huge ferns down for water
they leave a drift of leaves beneath
do not doubt the beauty of nature in winter
Keep a plant or two in your cave

Cover photo courtesy of Rick Watson; captured by Wendy Voeller, Wiess Photo Creations.

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Rick Watson

Rick Watson is a 5th generation Anguished Anglo-Saxon Doggerlander who wanders vastly across the spiritual plains of Dakota Land—He is a retired ELCA pastor, retired MSU Lecturer, ND Associate Poet Laureate who still straps on the guitar, writes little essays, and loves to write ballads about our world and sing them for folks.

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