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NewsLegislative Races Trend Heavily Towards Republicans

Statewide legislative elections trended heavily towards Republicans. In the Senate, Republicans won 19 of 24 open Senate seats. In the House, Republicans won seats by a margin of 39 to 9. Local Legislative Results 3rd Legislative District Senate ELECTED: (R) Oley Larson: ~56% (D) Lisa Wolf: ~43% House ELECTED: (R) Andrew Maragos: ~34.5% ELECTED: (R) [...]

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NewsWard County Elections: Fjeldahl and Louser Win County Commission Seats

The only contested Ward County race was for the County Commission with three candidates, John Fjeldahl, Larry Louser, and Kari Conrad competing for two available seats. Ward County Commission (2 Seats) ELECTED: John Fjeldahl (11,750) ELECTED: Larry Louser (10,002) Kari Conrad (9,197) Other Ward County Officials winning election in uncontested races include: Roza Larson (County [...]

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NewsRepublicans Sweep State Offices

Considering our voting tendencies the results aren’t overly surprising, but there were a couple races that gave the impression they would a bit more competitive. They were not. U.S. House of Representatives ELECTED: (R) Kevin Cramer: ~55.5% (137,569) (D) George Sinner: ~38.5% (95,355) (L) Robert “Jack” Seaman: ~6% (14,476) Secretary of State ELECTED: (R) Al [...]

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NewsND Ballot Initiative Results

The big story of 2014 Election in North Dakota was the ballot initiatives. Here are the results. Measure 1. Life Begins at Conception added to the State Constitution. DEFEATED. No: ~64% (160,728) Yes:  ~36% (89,888) Measure 2. Prohibit mortgage taxes and taxes on transfer of mortgage or real estate. WINS. Yes: ~76% (187,641) No:  ~24% (60,241) Measure [...]

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CurioFear the Boom and Bust Cycle?

John Maynard Keynes and H.A. Hayek — two guys you’ve probably never heard of, both economists, one of which has had an enormous impact on the way our government operates. Take five minutes, it’s an informative and entertaining video. [...]

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News$3.5 Million to Protect Double Ditch Indian Village

The State Historical Society has submitted a $3.5 million budget request to Governor Dalrymple with the purposing of stabilizing the shoreline and protecting the native america historic site 7 miles north of Bismarck. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press

NewsWater Treatment Plant Flood Walls Moving Forward

Flood protection walls for the water treatment plant and nearby pump station are being advanced through the City’s planning stages. This project is separate from the overall flood protection plan for Minot, but it is an important first step. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

NewsEverything We Mostly Don’t Know About Hiccups

A heaping spoonful of peanut butter is The Minot endorsed cure, but you’ll find a bit of science and a few other less conventional cure ideas in this article. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Vox

CurioSnowblower Versus 100 Pumpkins

There are few videos that qualify more perfectly for the P.B.A. category than this. Take note, Minot has no area Ventrac dealers, but with advertising this good, maybe we should. [...]

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NewsHigher Taxes (Price) Equals Less Consumption

Raising taxes (i.e. prices) on cigarettes will result in decreased consumption, but a modestly surprising additional effect is a corollary decrease in beer and liquor consumption. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: The Washington Post

NewsManitoba Exploring Massive Flood Protection Reservoir

It’s one of several options being considered, but following the floods of 2011 and 2014 on the Assiniboine River (Souris River is a tributary of) there is more willingness to explore and possibly accept dramatic protection alternatives. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Winnipeg Free Press

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NewsNorth Dakota Turns 125! Grand Opening of Renovated Heritage Center

It was a big day in Bismarck with the celebration of North Dakota’s 125th birthday, and to help celebrate we also had the grand opening of the newly renovated heritage center. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

NewsAre Wolves Responsible for Minnesota’s Declining Moose Population?

Some preliminary evidence suggests wolves may be trimming the moose herd aggressively. Since 2006, moose numbers have fallen by as much as 50% in NE Minnesota to a herd size approximated at 4,350 animals. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Star Tribune

NewsWilliston Takes $125 Million Loan to Solve Waste Treatment Problems

The City of Williston’s City Commission approved a $125 million loan to improve and expand the City’s waste treatment facilities. The expanded capacity will serve a population of 56,300 people with and have room for additional growth. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Williston Herald

NewsIF we need it…. Sanford Hospitals Designated to Treat Ebola

Sanford Hospitals in Bismarck and Fargo have been designated to treat any Ebola cases… if they should occur in North Dakota. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

CurioAll About That Bass: Looping Violin

His name is David Wong. If you watch, make sure you make to the last 30 seconds where he lets it go a little bit. And if you want to support him, pick it up on iTunes [...]

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