Dakota Access Pipeline decision unlikely until early 2017

Minnesota Public Radio picked up the Associated Press coverage of news that it will won’t be before early 2017 that a federal judge rules on the easement to drill under the Missouri River. It’s an opportunity to see outside coverage of the fracas and judge for yourself how the issue is being covered outside of

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Lawmakers cancel judiciary, tribal addresses to 2017 Legislature

Some pomp and fanfare that typically accompanies the opening of the legislative session has been moved into private session in 2017 in part due to security concerns. Though not mandated, it has been tradition that one Native American tribe be given the opportunity to address a joint session of the legislature. That address has been

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#NoDAPL: Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council asks Red Warrior Camp to leave

Among the several protest camps, the Red Warrior camp has been reported to be home to the most extreme elements of the protest. And now it seems that Standing Rock Tribal officials have decided those elements are no longer welcome. At a November 1st Tribal Council meeting, the council voted 10-0 to ask that camp

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A Journalist’s Perspective: The #NoDAPL Protest Camps

A Williston Herald Journalist recently spent time in the protest camps South of Mandan. It’s a rare look inside a journalist’s perspective because that profession prides itself on keeping their views out of the story — Mr. Jean in particular. It’s worth a read.

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#NoDAPL: Protestors Block BNSF Tracks in Mandan

#NoDAPL protestors took their act to Mandan yesterday where they blocked the BNSF railroad tracks for approximately three hours. Rob Port with Say Anything Blog has pictures and comments from the Morton County Sheriff’s Department.

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Son of Democratic icon visits protest camp | | bismarcktribune.com

The son of 1960’s political icon Bobby Kennedy was at the Standing Rock Protest Camps Tuesday to stand in solidarity with protestors fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an environmental law attorney and heads the international Water Alliance.

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#NoDAPL: Dakota Access Pipeline Delayed for Further Discussion

The Corp of Engineers issued a news release yesterday outlining their most recent decision on the Dakota Access pipeline. The full news release follows below, but the gist of it says they’re going to invite the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe back to the table one more time to see if the tribe has thoughts on

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IOWA: #NoDAPL protesters go inside pipes, halt construction

The protest South of Mandan over the Dakota Access Pipeline is not a problem unique to North Dakota. In Iowa, protestors have taken to climbing into sections of pipe with the effort of halting construction. It worked for 12 hours. They were also arrested.

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Dakota Access says it will stand down if corps sets completion date

“If we can agree on a date certain upon which we can complete construction, Dakota Access is prepared to suspend construction activities near Lake Oahe for a reasonable time period as part of an effort to defuse tension and facilitate the peaceful removal of protesters from the protest site.” That statement was from Dakota Access; Lauran

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Politics played no role in MN deputies sent to North Dakota pipeline protest

Sheriff’s deputies from three Minneapolis area counties spent time assisting in the Dakota Access law enforcement last month, but the decision to provide that help generated protests itself. Sheriffs from the three counties maintain politics played no role in answering the call for help.

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#NoDAPL: Spokesman leaves camp as elders seek to keep protest peaceful

Cody Hall, one of the more vocal and defiant leaders of the protests at Standing Rock, has been asked by tribal elders leave the camps. Mr. Hall is a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in South Dakota and has said he will remain supportive of the cause.

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Reckoning at Standing Rock: A 240-Year Perspective

For most of us with an experiential perspective on history, the protests at Stand Rock are about a pipeline. But if we remove ourselves to the heights of a many-generations view, there’s a lot more going on. Writing for High Country News, Paul VandeVelder attempts to give us that perspective. Settle in with this one,

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Attempted Murder Charges Filed Resulting From Thursday #NoDAPL Protest

Last Thursday was a tense day for law enforcement as they worked to clear the public right-of-way on Highway 1806 and remove protesters from private property. One incident involved a gun being fired, and the result of that is now attempted murder charges against one of the protest participants.

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Other Perspectives from Standing Rock

Not all members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe are in agreement over the #NoDAPL protest. CNN Reporter Jessica Ravitz went deeper into the reservation to gather thoughts on the protest from those not participating. What she found is worth reading.

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Sheriff in Wisconsin pulls deputies back from North Dakota pipeline deployment

Sheriff Deputies from Wisconsin in North Dakota to support local law enforcement in the Dakota Access protests have been pulled home. After talking with “a wide cross-section of the community who all share the opinion that our deputies should not be involved in this situation,” Sheriff Dave Mahoney said.

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Standing Rock Struggling with Winter Protest Camp Logistics, Economic Losses

The economics and logistics of maintaining a 1,000 person protest camp near Cannon Ball are daunting. Members of the Standing Rock tribe discussed the issues Thursday including the loss of a $1,000,000 in revenue at Prairie Knights Casino due to access difficulty for patrons.

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