ND Game & Fish Releases New Outdoor Mobile App

Need a last-minute fishing license? Want to double-check the law while you’re out in the field? North Dakota Game and Fish has developed a mobile to make both and a whole lot more easier. Check out the video below to get the details. The App is available in the Google Play and Apple app stores.

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Early Winter Sends Birds Flying

The early arrival of winter likely had many North Dakota snowbirds questioning if they should have left before Thanksgiving. The following wave of snow and cold through Christmas and New Year’s may have sealed the deal for some of not returning until well after Easter.  As much as a cold, snowy and dark season can frustrate me, I still don’t see myself heading south for winter and I’m

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Hunter harvest surveys are an important tool for Game and Fish 

Do you feel like everywhere you turn there’s something trying to get your attention? Spam phone calls, robo calls, junk text messages. The other day I noted advertisements in the bathroom. It got me to stop and think. So, it worked. When it comes to email, my inbox gets filled up. Just like yours. At

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Q & A With ND Game & Fish Director Jeb Williams

 As Jeb Williams, North Dakota Game and Fish Department director, works into his second calendar year leading the agency, he takes a look in the rearview mirror and also offers insight on challenges and important topics for North Dakota’s outdoors.  How important was the spring precipitation of 2022?  Jeb: So, it was really positive for our local lakes and wildlife habitat conditions around the state. We’d been in tough

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Hunter Education Is Key to Enduring Hunting Heritage, Become An Instructor Today!

If you’ve ever wondered why a hunter education class isn’t offered in your town or why the dates and times weren’t to your preference, the answer and fix are straightforward. First, all hunter education classes in North Dakota are taught by volunteer instructors. These volunteers likely spend their time during the spring and summer fishing,

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Waterfowl Survey, Record Breaking Burbot, and Other Game & Fish News

North Dakota Game & Fish has a couple quick hit stories this week. Among them are the early results of the midwinter waterfowl survey. You can watch news on results below. And in other Game & Fish News: A Minot Fisherman Caught a State Record Burbot Shane Johnson’s 19-pound, 8-ounce burbot broke a state record

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The Game Outdoor Enthusiasts Should Be Watching in January are the Legislators

Late January is sometimes considered a time when not much is going on in North Dakota’s outdoors. But this year with new boat registrations coming in and the state legislature in session, it’s a busy time at the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. Here’s a recap of a few news items from recent weeks

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Ice Fishing Impacts Creates Evolving Target for Fisheries Management

We’ve seen it before. A few ice shelters can turn into a city literally overnight. Winter anglers travel from every corner of the state – some from a few states away – at the report of a hot walleye, perch, or crappie bite. Anglers wonder if the fishery can withstand the pressure? I remind myself

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