FEMA is making an example of this Florida boomtown; And Why it Matters in Minot.

Flood protection is costing Minot a lot. From the properties it is taking to the outright dollars we’re dedicating a lot. And the further we get from 2011, the easier it becomes to ask if it’s worth it. Among the big reasons why we’re making the investment is the forecasted-to-change federal flood insurance program. To

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American Prosperity in the Midst of Political Poverty?

Despite all the gloom and doom of a seemingly endless political campaign, the USA is doing better economically than any place in the world. China is not factored as a comparable due to its lack of freedom. Russia has an economy equivalent to Illinois. Yet, we whine and demonize each other. Our economic engine has

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The importance of the free press in our democracy

In a speech at Norway House, The Norwegian American’s Editor-in-chief Lori Ann Reinhall emphasized the vital role of a free press in a democratic society. She highlighted the challenges faced by newspapers in the digital age and emphasized the importance of quality journalism over free, unverified information on social media. Reinhall also discussed the need

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Bird flu found in Wyoming dairy cows

Hopefully you can read this news without starting a panic or rolling your eyes. The CDC is watching the current outbreak of bird flu carefully, but it is spreading slowly. Recently, a dairy operation in Wyoming had cows test positive. This marks the 10th state to positively identify the spread. The risk to the public

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Beyond the Slogans, Border Security Gets Complicated

It is becoming quite apparent that border security is an issue that North Dakota primary candidates have been advised to address by their overpaid consultants.

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The Invisible Crisis Threatening America’s Food Superpower Status

Water, water, everywhere underground for all the crops to drink. But it’s staring to run out. And when it does, so will our food security. The video from the Wall Street Journal has the full story.

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Is It Insanity That Drives Congressional Approval Ratings?

The present approval rating of Congress, especially the House of Representatives, has a well-deserved abysmal approval rating with the American public. For those who think this may be a modern phenomenon, let’s take a trip back in time to the 1840s. At that time, classic American poet, Walt Whitman, was a journalist in New York

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A Republican Primary Process Predicament?

Polls are somewhat similar to a carpenter’s tool. They are as valuable as the skills of the artisan utilizing them. I recall a very pleasant one on one dinner in 1995 with the head of a “special interest” group based out of Washington, D.C. My dinner companion was a self-made man who due to talent,

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