City Council Agenda, December 19 2022

Minot City Council will meet Monday, December 19, at 5:30 pm to consider the agenda attached below. Items of note include the disposition of Home Sweet Home, hiring EAPC Architects to provide a facility study for the police department reuse of the current City Hall, a higher-than-estimated bid to get the Career & Technical Education

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Project Bee Pushes Broadway Circle Project Over Construction Starting Line

It’s started. The Broadway Circle project has been in the works for many years. The concept of a family homeless shelter was part of Minot’s National Disaster Resilience application going back to 2014, but getting it from idea to underway has been a journey. Jill Shramm with The Minot Daily News has the update on

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Minot, Let’s call it Diagon Alley

When was the last time you went for a drink at the Blue Rider? If it’s been a while, put it on your ‘to do’ list. When you go, take a moment to walk across the street and check out the buildings and the well-hidden diagonal alley along the railroad tracks. It’s not much to

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Alphabet’s (Google) Sidewalk Labs wants to build a futuristic neighborhood in Toronto

Sidewalk Labs, a subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet, is heading to Toronto to take up the work of designing the neighborhoods of the future.  A few specific priorities they’ve expressed interest in so far include flood protection plans, affordable housing opportunities, green technologies. Sound familiar? Perhaps a delegation from Minot should invite Sidewalk Labs

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Growing cities take proactive stance against diverse threats, building resilience

When it comes to resilience, it’s not just about being prepared. It’s about building stronger cities that deliver a higher quality of life and more economic diversity. Sound familiar? Minot is in the middle of an enormous resiliency effort made possible by $74.3 million federal grant. And we’re not the only city thinking in this language;

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City Council and Staff in the Dark over CDM Smith Low-Income Housing Activities

A committee created to advise City Council on how to spend portions of the $74.3 million National Disaster Resilience Competition award is off to a less-than-transparent start. The Minot Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met for the first time on February 15, and according to minutes, the committee is made up of members of CDM Smith

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Training and technical center a worthy pursuit 

Jill Schramm with the Minot Daily News digs in deeper with the idea that a career and technical training center is an idea important for Minot and the region.

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Minot pursues technical ed center with resilience money

Part of the City of Minot’s disaster resilience efforts includes creating a more diverse, resilient economy. And one idea that’s being explored in connection to that goal is the development of a technical center used to educate underserved professions and vocations, perhaps in partnership with MSU. Jill Schramm has the story.

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Minot City Council Recap, November 7, 2016

Last night was the first Monday of the month which means City Council had their regularly scheduled meeting. It was a relatively quick meeting. A recap follows below, but if you want more detail the committee agendas are the place to find it. View those here: Planning Commission, Public Works, Finance, Liquor & Gaming And

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Listen: Old-Ramstad School Site a Priority for Disaster Resilience Funding

In January, the City of Minot was awarded ~$74 million through the Housing and Urban Development’s National Disaster Resilience Competition. Since the award announcement, the City has been patiently awaiting federal guidance as to which parts of our competition application were funded, and as of the June 21 Park Board meeting, it seems the City

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Iowa Takes Statewide Approach to Flood Protection and Water Quality

  The State of Iowa took an innovative approach to managing its flood risk and water quality, and it paid off in the form of a $96 million grant in HUD’s recent disaster resiliency competition. The news release below outlines the action plan that will be undertaken by the state, but the most interesting aspect

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AmeriCorps Vistas Work to Make Minot a Better Community

Minot’s AmeriCorps Vista volunteers are making up their program as they go along, but one of their priority missions: helping Minot’s vulnerable populations.

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City of Minot Awarded $74 Million in Disaster Resilience Competition

Minot’s application in HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Competition has proven enormously successful. Word from Washington via the Senators Hoeven and Heitkamp is that Minot has been awarded $74.3 million in federal funding. The award marks the culmination of a 14-month process, numerous public meetings, and a final application focused on projects intended to make the

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Save the Valley: A Minot Flood Protection Game

In the spirit of starting the discussion on the City of Minot’s Phase II National Disaster Resiliency Competition application, here’s another idea that might make Minot a bit more disaster resilient. Part of being a flood resilient community is understanding the dynamic forces that funnel water through our town. There is a big river basin

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Rebuilding New Orleans into America’s finest water city

Ten years after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, engineers, urban designers, landscape architects and city planners are reimagining the city to create sustainable growth in jobs and investment. It’s a story the resonates in Minot as we tackle the same issues.

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Compare Minot: Coverage of Grand Rapids Disaster Resiliency Competition Application

Kent County Michigan and the City of Grand Rapids are competing for the same $1 billion in federal funding that Minot is through the National Disaster Resiliency Competition. Want to see what direction they’re taking their application? There are a few similarities, check it out here.

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