Canadian Prairies stand to benefit the most from boost to immigration target

Immigration is an issue in every country; it’s also an opportunity. New citizens equal new workers, and in places starved for labor, everyone willing to fill a role is welcome. And for our neighbors to the North, the Canadian Federal government has issued a report suggesting the prairie region is likely to benefit the most

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North Dakota House advances bill banning ‘sanctuary’ cities

A bill that would prohibit North Dakota towns and cities from making policies related to immigration enforcement passed the ND House recently. Jeremy Turley with Inforum has the full story that includes no evidence of any North Dakota towns or cities actually considering laws or policies this bill will prevent.

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International teachers complete their journey to Grand Forks

What do you do when you run a school district and finding teachers is tough? In Grand Forks, they cast their net beyond the U.S. borders, and on their first haul they brought in three new teachers from as far away as Zimbabwe and Ghana. And now that the district has been through the red

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‘We hereby declare!’ Young citizens take oath in special Children’s Museum event

When it comes to immigration formalities, the children of naturalized parents and those adopted by American parents are often notified by of their citizenship by a letter in the mail. But at a recent ceremony at the Children’s Museum of Minnesota, the full oath and recognition of the occasion were celebrated. The Star Tribune has

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Migrants may have been lost in perilous blizzard conditions

A story out of Manitoba earlier this week provides a stark reminder about the perils of traveling on the prairie in winter. But perhaps of equal concern is the reason people were on the road in the first place. This news sets the state for Mr. Maxson’s commentary below.

Read & Share   sourced from: Winnipeg Free Press

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Heitkamp: Unaccompanied minors from South America fleeing, not migrating

Housing and Human Services is considering housing unaccompanied children immigrants at the Grand Forks Air Force Base temporarily. Senator Heitkamp is hopeful that if that path is chosen, the community will be welcoming. The Grand Forks Herald has the full story.

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Immigration: The First Thing We Need to Fix

We all know the immigration system is broken. And the media and politicians like to score points on illegal immigration, but if we’re going to fix the problem, we need to first fix legal immigration. Here’s one guy’s personal experience with the problem.

Read & Share   sourced from: Vox

North Dakota Joins Multi-State Immigration Lawsuit

We’re the 24th state to join the effort that hopes to legally block President Obama’s executive action on immigration.

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press

Obama Unveils Immigration Reform

The executive action eases the threat of deportation for 4.7 million undocumented people living in the United States. The action is expected to spark a political fight with Republicans.

Read & Share   sourced from: Reuters