Listen: Sweden, Norway and Finland cooperating to attract workers to the far north

For our Scandinavian friends, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, they’re short workers. But only all types of workers and only everywhere. It’s a problem that’s prompting a creative solution — working together beyond national borders. Why does it matter in Minot? As home of the Norsk Høstfest, we’re obligated to bring you stories from Scandinavia. But

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Saskatchewan nursing union says recruitment plan to address worker shortage moving too slow

It doesn’t matter where you look, recruitment of workers and staffing are the challenges facing communities. This story from The Regina Leader-Post highlights the Saskatchewan’s provincial need for nurses. Those on the job are burning out at a faster and faster rate, and the impact on health care is becoming evident. What are they doing

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Bill funding construction of career tech education centers passes House committee

A bill to speed up the construction of planned technical education centers around the state is advancing through the legislature. House Bill 1199 authorizes a Bank of North Dakota line of credit to the tune of ~$68 million. The amount is equal to the American Rescue Plan Act dollars that are earmarked for the purpose

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North Dakota lawmakers look to boost immigration as labor shortage hampers economy

North Dakota is short of workers. You don’t need the news to tell you, step into any local business or restaurant and you’re likely to experience it firsthand. But what can lawmakers do about the problem? Well, Tim Mattern, a Fargo-area Democrat has some ideas. He’s sponsored two bills that would put the state squarely

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‘Brain drain’: International medical grads in Saskatchewan struggle to become doctors

What if you left your home country, completed your education and professional training abroad, and then returned home only to discover you couldn’t get a license to work? What if, at the same time, there was a labor shortage of the expertise you hold? Well, that’s the problem Canada is having with medical doctors, and,

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North Dakota Metros Among Five Lowest Employment Rates in U.S.

Fargo, Bismarck, and Grand Forks are all included in statistical reports of U.S. metropolitan areas because their populations are higher than 50,000. It’s a beneficial designation because of the information it delivers, and while Minot’s circumstances are similar, we don’t get the data to prove it. That notwithstanding, this report from Inforum is worth a

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Can North Dakota really fix its labor shortage?

North Dakota has 16,000 listed job openings, but Job Service North Dakota estimates closer to 40,000 job vacancies, and no industry is spared. The upcoming legislative session will see lawmakers and Governor Burgum address issues where the state can make an impact; one area already identified is support for childcare. But all agree, the challenge

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Here’s How to Really Attract and Retain Employees in the New Age of Work

You’ve heard it said, maybe even joined a conversation about it — the idea that people just don’t want to work anymore. It’s hogwash. The real story is that workers have options, and they won’t work for firms they don’t respect and who don’t respect them back. Larry Jones with Entrepreneur has a story on

Read & Share   sourced from: Entrepreneur