Norwegian ambassador to visit Grand Forks for job-creation seminar

Here in Minot, we’re always looking to attract new businesses and industry. And one of the niches we’re actively looking to capture are businesses with roots tied to our Scandinavian heritage. But we’re not the only community working to attract these overseas businesses. Grand Forks has also identified the opportunity, and leaders there are also

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Winnipeg economic development agency holding Railside Promenade ideas competition

In Winnipeg, The Forks Renewal Corporation, the city’s economic development agency, is looking to spur redevelopment in a neighborhood dominated by wide roads and parking lots. And how are they going about doing it? They’re holding a design competition. They’ve set basic goals of what they want to accomplish and the terms of what’s required

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Evidence for a New Economic Development Model?

Economic growth, economic diversity, these are buzzwords in North Dakota and in Minot right now. The City’s NDR application talks about it; our consultant on the project, CDM Smith, even has a $300,000 budget to create an ‘Economic Development Strategic Plan for Minot & Ward County’. We also have the MAGIC fund, a sales-tax-funded pot

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Fact Checking Claims About Economic Incentives

In the doldrums of the oil downturn, economic resiliency, development, and diversity have never been more important. And it’s become apparent — especially here in Minot where we see evidence of businesses closing almost weekly, that we haven’t been very good at creating any of those things. Perhaps it’s because we’re using the wrong methods.

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MAGIC Fund Skyscopes Request Details.

The Minot Area Development Corporation has brought a request through the MAGIC Fund Screening Committee that will be before City Council tonight. I’ve been looking into the request for the past week or so, and have written some commentary on it which you can read here. But the details of the request are best left

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Questions & Concerns With Handing Over $375,000 to Anyone

First and foremost, I applaud Stephanie Hoffart and her team at MADC for developing a prospect as exciting as Skyscopes. Between the Air Force, the oil and energy industries, and the ag business, the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) industry is a great fit for Minot. It would be awesome if our little town can carve

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MADC Pulls MAGIC Fund Request for Downtown Businesses

The Minot Area Development Corporation has pulled its request for a financial relief program intended for downtown merchants and property owners. MADC had requested a $500,000 program that would have provided interest buydowns for qualifying downtown merchants; they have been asked by the Downtown Business and Professional Association to take more time with the issue.

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Area Voices: MADC Board Members Comment on Parking Garage Recommendation

Members of Minot Area Development Corporation’s Board of Directors and President Stephanie Hoffart share their thoughts on recommending more MAGIC Fund money to complete Minot’s downtown parking garages. Update & Correction: 9:15 a.m. At the time of original publishing, Mr. Olson’s comments were not included. Rather, a duplication of Ms. Hoffart’s thoughts were added in

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Cypress Development Requests $2.5 Million from MAGIC Fund for Completion of Parking Garage

Cypress Development, the lead developer behind the embattled downtown parking garages has requested an additional $2.5 million dollars from the MAGIC Fund to complete the project. Here are the details from the agenda for next week’s MAGIC Fund screening committee meeting. View the full application here. And, Mayor Barney has released his quarterly letter. In it

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Mayor Barney Comments on Parking Garages in Quarterly Letter

The following was written by Mayor Chuck Barney. When I started writing these quarterly updates, I had the goal of covering as many topics as I could, but in this letter, I want to focus on one specific issue in the City of Minot; the Downtown Parking Ramps. As you all know, this project has

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MADC Working on NE Industrial Park Expansion

The infrastructure is coming together, the next phase is to fill the NE Minot industrial park up with businesses that need a quality workforce and access to a rail system that will get them to market.

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