Concerns of Zika Virus Cases Spreading in US

Zika Virus is a new-to-the-Americas mosquito-spread disease. It’s of most concern to pregnant women because if contracted, it may cause a brain development disorder in the fetus. This news story provides valuable background.

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Minot Park District Spraying for Mosquitos

Considering the warm spring, the mosquitos in town seemed to have a slow start, but they’ve come on with a vengeance lately. Officials at Minot Park District have noticed, and they’re working to keep the pesky creatures at bay. KX News has the story.

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Do Mosquitos Like You More? Blame Your Genes

The season of swatting is upon us. So if you’re one of those who feels singled out by our buzzing summer companions, it may be because you are. And you likely have your parents to blame for it.

Read & Share   sourced from: Motherboard