No bids for North Dakota natural gas pipeline

The project is supported with a $150 million from the ND Industrial Commission; its goal is to bring natural gas from the West to the East. The problem, no contractors have submitted bids to build it. The deadline has now been extended twice. The situation will be a likely topic for an Industrial Commission meeting

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Enbridge pushes back on need for Line 3 oil pipeline replacement in Minnesota

Few infrastructure developments are more contentious these days than oil pipeline projects. We’ve had our own battles here in North Dakota, but in Minnesota getting pipelines approved is more difficult yet. But with regards to the Line 3 Pipeline from NE North Dakota to Superior Wisconsin, Enbridge is pushing back against regulatory slowplaying with facts

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Sandpiper Pipeline Shelving Drives Enbridge Energy Partners to $406.4-million loss

The planned Sandpiper Pipeline was proposed to run from North Dakota East through Minnesota and Wisconsin. It has been put on the shelf due to decreased demand and permitting difficulty through Minnesota, a situation that drove Enbridge to losses of more than $400 million in third quarter filings.

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#NoDAPL Protester Arrested for Firing a Weapon at Police

A #NoDAPL protestor was arrested yesterday for pulling a revolver and firing it at police officers at the scene. No one was injured in this incident, but there was another firearms incident with an injury not involving law enforcement. All told, there were more than 130 arrests yesterday. Rob Port has the story.

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Corp of Engineers Sponsor Public Forum on Sakakawea Pipelines

There already several pipelines under Lake Sakakawea and several more are in the planning and review stages. And the Corp of Engineers was in Garrison on Monday night to listen to the concerns of the public. Kim Fundingsland has the story.

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Northwest Landowners Associations Gathers Officials for Pipeline Discussion

The Northwest Landowners Association recently held an information expo with the intention of finding solutions for the friction between landowners and pipeline operators and contractors. Amy Dalrymple has the story.

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Appeals court says Iowa farmer may sue pipeline for crop damage

A court case in Iowa may set an important precedent for landowners. An appeals court ruled that a farmer leasing land has the right to sue a pipeline operator; the farmer believes the pipeline creates heat which drys the soil and reduces production.

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Grand Forks County landowner files appeal in Sandpiper pipeline dispute

A landowner in Grand Forks County has filed an appeal to prevent Enbridge’s Sandpiper pipeline from crossing their land. John Hageman has the details on the latest holdup for the beleaguered pipeline project.

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

Pipelines Now Preferred Transportation for Bakken Oil

  As a percentage total, less and less oil is being shipped by rail. And as infrastructure starts to catch up, we’ll likely see that number continue to fall. This article provides informative background and content from the director of the ND Pipeline Authority.

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Commentary: $3.7 Billion Pipeline Project Approved

With all the dire news on the price of oil, there are still many who are bullish on the future of North Dakota oil. So much so, one company is moving forward with pipeline investment that will cost more than $3 billion.

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Despite Political Obstruction Pipelines Have Caught Up With Rail In North Dakota

In a mix of commentary and news, Rob Port at Say Anything points out that in spite of opposition to pipelines, we’re now transporting as much oil out of state by pipeline as we are by rail.

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Hearing Set on Oil Pipeline that Would Cross Lake Sakakawea

  A proposed pipeline across Lake Sakakawea is on the event schedule for the Public Service Comission. A formal hearing will be held in Stanley on August 21st regarding the pipeline proposed between Keene and Palermo. Details from the Grand Forks Herald.

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Sandpiper Pipeline Receives ‘Certificate of Need’ Permit

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission granted a certificate of need permit to Enbridge. This permit certifies the need to move oil via pipeline. The next piece of the equation is the routing permit which is expected to take several more months.

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Sandpiper Pipeline in North Dakota Looks Headed to Eminent Domain Trial

  A Wisconson family that owns land in the path of Enbridge’s proposed Sandpiper pipeline has made a commitment to stand on their principles and deny access across their land. The issue is likely headed to court and will test North Dakota’s eminent domain laws.

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Sandpiper Pipeline on Hold as Minnesota P.S.C. Reviews Findings

Approval of Enbridge’s Sandpiper pipeline, a proposed natural gas and oil pipeline through Northern Minnesota, is stuck in bureaucracy. Minnesota’s Public Service Commission needs to weigh in on the issue, but, it won’t be on their agenda for months.

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Dalrymple Signs Bill for Enhanced Pipeline Safety

— Official News Release, Governor Dalrymple — Gov. Jack Dalrymple today signed into law House Bill 1358, legislation that will strengthen the state’s regulatory oversight of gathering pipelines for produced water and crude oil.  The bill includes enhancements for the prevention and detection of pipeline leaks and expands the state’s remediation and restoration program for

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