Rice Lake Residents Hoping for Clean up in Front of Freeze Up

Rice Lake has been on the rise for years now and what to do about it remains a question, but some residents are temporarily surrendering to the water in order to get property cleaned up in front of winter.

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Rice Lake Leaders Push Debris Cleanup, Debt Consolidation

  The Rice Lake Association is lobbying the Ward County Commission to assist them in a debt restructuring plan that would give the embattled lakeside homeowners a little financial relief. The Commission decided to get legal advice before approving the plan.

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Leaders at Rice Lake Meet With Residents About Flooded Properties

The Rice Lake owners association are weighing their options and will soon be making decisions about what to do with flooded properties. A $2 million allocation from the state means there’s money available, but the group is considering how to best leverage those funds.

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Rice Lake Association, County Leaders Moving on Flood-Damaged Homes

Rice Lake was appropriated $2 million by the legislature to help deal with issues from the rising water, and the plan on how to spend that money is coming together. Get an update from Jarid Lundeen of the Rice Lake Association via KMOT News.

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Emergency Department Funding for Rice Lake

After a legislative session of uncertainty, there was some money earmarked for the Rice Lake emergency after all. Approximately $2 million has been allocated to assist in mitigating damage.  

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Rice Lake Funding Options Discussed at County Board Meeting

Ward County is looking for a firm to assist in writing grants; the hope is they’ll be able to find money that can be used to mitigate the damage caused by a rising Rice Lake. Full story from KX News.

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Rice Lake Funding Faltering in Legislature

$15 million in funding for rising-water mitigation at Rice Lake is has been stripped down to $2 million in the Senate.  

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Fate of Rice Lake Heads to ND Legislature

The Rice Lake Board met with the Ward County Commission Tuesday. The result — an appeal to state lawmakers for funding to help raise the grade of the road and develop a permanent solution for the rising lake. The estimated cost, $15 million.

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Rice Lake Owners Get Letter of Support From County

The Rice Lake owners association needs approximately $3.5 million for infrastructure improvements to combat the rising water. Ward County will be advocating on behalf of the homeowners association.

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Rice Lake Update

The situation is bad, but the community association continues to fight the rising water in every way they can.

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