Road salts washing into the river, damaging ecosystems and pipes

“There’s pretty good evidence that if we continue to use salt at the rate we do now, it’s going to be detrimental to the rivers and lakes eventually.” That’s the comment of Ryan Westphal, the Facilities Director for La Crosse County, Wisconsin, on the long-standing practice of dumping salt on almost any amount of snow.

Read & Share   sourced from: Wisconsin Watch

Are You Using Your Ice Scraper Wrong?

I know. Many of you are saying who needs an ice scrapper if you have an auto starter. But if you’re not that lucky now, or are unlucky in the future, it may be that a little ice scraper instruction is in order — even for winter-seasoned vets from North Dakota. It turns out that

Read & Share   sourced from: Life Hacker

Winter Driving: Preventing slick roads gets more scientific

For the Minnesota Highway Department, the amount of salt and brine they use on winter roads is not casually determined. More and more, science and research are guiding the amount of material used and application rates that use resources efficiently and create safe driving conditions.

Read & Share   sourced from: InForum

Scientists are developing road surfaces that can de-ice themselves

  Scientists in Turkey are working on what is best described as a salt-infused road surface that has proven effective in reducing the formation of ice on the surface.

Read & Share   sourced from: Science Alert

Couple Stranded & Nearly Frozen in 1977 ND Blizzard Remember Rescuers

If you’re new to North Dakota, we have one rule  winter driving rule that’s more important than the others — if you’re stranded in Winter, stay with your car. Here’s a great story of survival and the consequences almost forty years later.

Read & Share   sourced from: InForum

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Driving Safely Around Snowplows

If you’ve ever driven in winter, you’ve encountered a plow. Here’s some advice to help you stay safe on the roads when you have to share it with the snow removal team.

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT News