What can Minot look like 20-years from now?

What’s the vision and how do we get there? These are the central questions of any town or place in transformation, and in Minot, we’re very much in the process of asking them. For us, both answers are in flux, but if there’s a common thread in all the competing answers it’s ‘prosperity’; each idea is focused on improving our circumstances.

So where should we look to get our answers? Perhaps to towns like Minot who’ve already gone where we’re hoping to go. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is one such town, and the path they took is laid out in this article from Forbes.

But if you want a hint at how it came to be here are three – arts, entrepreneurs, and — at least one — crazy person.

This article was sourced from:

Elizabeth MacBride, Forbes


Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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