Grand Forks trying to figure out how to connect UND to downtown

What impact do 10,000 college students have on a downtown shopping district and center of commerce? Probably a big one. And in Grand Forks, they’re trying to figure out how to make the college experience more closely tied to the urban living experience. Get the full story from the Grand Forks Herald. And ask the

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Former Minoter Bliss Littler setting records in hockey coaching

With a career that spans decades, former Minoter Bliss Littler remains among the most respected coaches in hockey, especially at the junior levels. Get the full story on all his accomplishments from

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Minot take note — A new generation of ‘Mayo spouses’ are changing Rochester’s food scene

Until a few years ago, a Texas Roadhouse franchise was a regular on Rochester’s best restaurant lists. Not so, today. And it’s nothing against Texas Roadhouse — the change is that several locally owned unique restaurants have opened their doors. And it’s the source of business ownership that’s worth noting — it’s the trailing spouses

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Compare Minot — City of Regina launches new website

In a case of compare Minot to others, the City of Regina launched a new website. It replaces the last website built in 2008. The cost: $1.2 million Canadian. If you use the City of Minot’s website, it’s worth taking a look to gather ideas and see what works. Check it out here:

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Brandon approves $4M for new water mains

Do you know where a bunch of your property taxes go? In the case of managing a city like Minot or our neighbor Brandon, Manitoba — it takes a lot of money to keep what we have in working order. You don’t need to read the story below from the Brandon Sun; the headline captures

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Bismarck City Commission overturns Planning Commission, says yes to small house

Bismarck’s City Commission heard an appeal from a property owner who wanted to build a home on a smaller-than-usual lot in one of Bismarck’s historic neighborhoods. Though there was protest from some against the construction, the Commission found the use of a lot size variance appropriate. Get the full story from the Bismarck Tribune. How

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What makes a good neighborhood?

The Brainerd, Minnesota Planning Commission is asking the question what makes a good neighborhood? Is it walk-ability, a mix of businesses among the houses, is it having housing of one type separated from housing of another type? The answers aren’t static, but they do have to be discovered. And the manner in which Brainerd is

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So, you’d like a neighborhood grocery store…

Would you like to be less reliant on your car? Should I assume you even have a car? After all, they are expensive. Those are odd questions to ask in an article titled about local grocery stores, but they’re at the heart of the question that asks why our neighborhood grocery stores disappeared. Minot used

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Skein roles out red carpet for MSU Choral group

A group of Minot State music students had the privilege of traveling to Minot’s sister city Skein, Norway recently, and they hospitality they experienced beyond special. Eloise Ogden with the Minot Daily News has the recap story.

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Forget the farmer’s market, Atlanta built a 7-acre edible forest

In a world where ‘food desert’ is an increasingly used term (it’s an area with limited access to nutritious, fresh food), Atlanta is pushing back with an oasis of fruit trees, paths and planting boxes for gardens. Get the full story from Fast Company.

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People-centric events reclaim streets in Minneapolis this summer

Typically, cars reign supreme on the streets, but for six days this summer, 22 blocks of Lyndale Avenue in Minneapolis will be reclaimed by people; no cars allowed. Last year the events drew nearly 45,000 people who simply wanted to enjoy their ‘place’ without the threat or worry introduced by the motoring public. Get the

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What can Minot look like 20-years from now?

What’s the vision and how do we get there? These are the central questions of any town or place in transformation, and in Minot, we’re very much in the process of asking them. For us, both answers are in flux, but if there’s a common thread in all the competing answers it’s ‘prosperity’; each idea

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When should local governments take on debt?

Flood protection, NAWS, road maintenance and construction, fire stations — these are just a few of the big ticket capital infrastructure projects we in Minot are trying to figure out how to pay for. That invites the question — when should we bond (take on debt) for these things and under what circumstances? Check out

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Mpls. landlords fight bid to limit vetos of tenants

In Minneapolis, one City Council member proposed limiting landlords from rejecting potential tenants based on credit, past evictions, and criminal histories. The intent behind the policy — ensuring those with a checkered past have a chance to clean their slate. Landlords, property management companies and developers are pushing back with arguments that the policy will

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What would it look like if we really committed to #MakeMinotAccessible?

It’s one of those things that most of us take for granted — being able to go where we want, when we want, without logistics planning or concerns about how we’re going to get there. I’m talking about not having to worry about barriers like sets of stairs, steps, curbs, irregular thresholds, or the countless

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North Fargo’s historic Roosevelt neighborhood searches for answers amid rental creep

Do we the citizens have the right to see our neighborhoods stay the same? Should government get involved as neighborhoods evolve? These are just a few of the philosophical questions at play in a historic Fargo neighborhood that’s in transition from single-family homes toward a rental market. Get the full story from the Fargo Forum.

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