MARC Vote Fails by 2 -1 Margin

Final vote tallies: NO: 3788 | YES: 1862. The result of the vote means nothing will change for Minot property owners or shoppers. The Park District will continue to be funded by property tax. Minot’s sales tax rate will remain at 7.5%.

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The MARC: Our Final Words

If you have chosen to get the information, you should be considering a ‘yes’ vote. If you’re firmly in the ‘no’ camp, these arguments won’t convince you to change your mind. I’m going to say them anyway. Minot Needs a Place for Year-Round, Active Recreation With the MARC proposal, the Park District has presented us

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Minot Sales Tax: What We Pay & Where it Goes

With much of the MARC election conversation centered around sales and property tax, we thought you might appreciate an update on the how, where, and whens of Minot’s sales tax. Here it is, in our easy-to-read presentation format.

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KX News: Sales Tax, Property Tax, and the MARC

With the MARC vote coming up quickly, KX News sat down with City of Minot’s finance director Cindy Hemphill to get the facts on what items are charged a sales tax, what items are exempt, and how the proposal would affect your property taxes.

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Hoeven & Heitkamp Push for Online Sales Tax Collection

Our North Dakota Senators are signed on to a bill that would require online retailers to collect sales tax. The hope is the bill would balance the playing field for brick and mortar stores. John Hageman writing for the Fargo Forum provides a detailed article.

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The MARC: What do You Want to Know?

We’re a little over six weeks away from casting a deciding vote on the future of indoor recreation in Minot and our goal over that period will be to transform you into the most informed voter on a single topic that has ever existed. The Minot Voice has a game plan in place, but we’d

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Minot Sales Tax Recap

Minot has a 2 cent sales tax, Ward County adds a half cent, and the Park District’s hope is that we’ll swap property taxes for an additional one cent. You’re going to need a sales tax education; start with this story from KX News.

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Minot Park Board Clears Procedural Hurdles, Puts District on Path to New Funding Method, MARC Construction

The Minot Park Board held a special meeting Wednesday afternoon to complete procedural steps needed to move forward with building the Minot Aquatics & Recreation Center and funding the Park District through a 1 cent sales tax as opposed to a property tax. Two motions were passed, one approving the ballot language that will now

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Minot Park District Moves Forward on the ‘MARC’, Proposes New Funding Method for District

The Minot Park District and Park Board held a public forum at the Municipal Auditorium this afternoon to present and discuss recommendations on a possible Minot rec center. The proposed facility is the result of months of work by IBIS Enterprises, the consulting group that was hired to survey Minot’s stakeholder organizations and develop the

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Watford City Event Center Moving Closer to Reality

Planning and design on the $100 million dollar facility has been taking place for years, but a final piece of the financing puzzle was put in place as the City Council approved using sales tax dollars for the facility.

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Lawmakers Propose Bill To Eliminate Montana Sales Tax Exemption

Montana residents are currently exempt from sales tax on items over $50, but a lawmaker from Grand Forks is introducing a bill to eliminate that exemption. Business owners in Williston say the effects would be significant.

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Mandan Considers Sales Tax to Pay For Community Facilities

Specifically, the money would be used for construction of a double-sheet ice arena and gymnastics facility. The Park Board approved the measure, the City Commission needs to also in order to put it on the June 9 ballot.

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Reform Sales Tax Monies Distribution?

Representative Gary Sukut (District 1, Williston) is proposing a new formula for distributing money raised from the state sales tax. The proposed system would adjust amounts distributed to minor-hub towns so money is distributed by sales volume rather than population.

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County Commission Paves Way for Sales Tax Funded Jail Expansion

In order to use the sales tax for jail expansion, the County Commission needed to update an ordinance and approve it. That happened at Tuesday’s meeting, allowing sales tax money — if approved by voters in February — to be used for the jail expansion.

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