Minnesota planners begin to envision driverless future

We can resist it however we want, the world we live in is going to change around us. One change that’s virtually guaranteed, driverless cars. They’ll be safer, more efficient, and more convenient, and that will equal adoption by consumers. So if they’re coming, perhaps we should be planning for them? In Minnesota, they are.

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A look inside the small US towns that will be crushed by the trucking revolution

Disruption is coming. Automated cars have been a regular topic here on The Minot Voice, and that will continue. The reason, the technology is going to reshape the base fabric of this country. One of the likely less considered implications, how the transition to self-driving technology will change the small towns and roadside truck stops

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The world’s first crewless ship will launch next year

Automation is coming; there’s nothing to be done about it. Why? Because it will be safer and more efficient. There’s no way to stop evolution toward those values. And it won’t just be cars and trucks. The video below tells the story of technology that’s already available, this ship is in production. The question we

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Self-Driving Cars Mean Cops Won’t Have Excuses to Pull People Over

Self-driving cars are coming; there’s nothing to be done about it. Automation, in general, is going to radically remake the way we live our lives and our society, and if we look at self-driving cars as one of the early dominoes, the challenge then becomes what are the second, third, and fourth cultural dominoes that

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Congress Working on National Self-Driving Car Regulations

The U.S. Congress has finally acknowledged that self-driving cars are coming whether we’re afraid of them or not. And if that’s the case, then we should probably have a few laws and regulations that govern the who, how, and when they’re operated. And as lawmakers are quickly finding out, self-driving cars not only a new

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Self-Driving Cabs on the Way, London trials driverless shuttle service

The driverless future will force us to rethink a lot of the ways we operate in and around our community, and Minot will not be immune to the changes. As evidence, London is already trialing a driverless shuttle program. If it’s there now — we’re probably five years behind here. Get the story from the

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ND could be especially affected by self-driving cars

A report from the Center for Global Policy Solutions suggests North Dakota’s economy and workers have a better chance of being disrupted by the adoption of self-driving cars. Car manufacturers and technology companies alike are in a race to get to the market first, and the cultural impacts of adopting this technology will be as transformative as

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Autonomous, Self-Driving Cars are Coming, Want to Know When?

Whether you like it or not, car manufacturers, tech companies, and ride sharing companies are competing like crazy to win the race to deliver the fully autonomous, self-driving car. This technology is coming and there’s nothing we can do about it. But if you want to see some prognostication on when, check out this article

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Trump administration is reevaluating Obama era rules for self-driving cars

Elain Chao, U.S. Transporation Secretary, said her department would be taking a second look at regulations designed to shepherd our transition to self-driving cars. One of her larger concerns is the need to educate a skeptical public on how the vehicles and industry changes will impact the general public.

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Watch: Uber’s Self-Driving Truck Makes Its First Delivery: 50,000 Beers

Self-driving cars have been in the news a lot recently, and there’s no doubt there coming. But an equally big cultural shift will take place in the shipping industry — self-driving trucks. And this shift won’t be at the whim of consumer sensibilities — industry will move this forward because it’s safer and more efficient.

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U.S. Government: Google’s self-driving cars now legal drivers

In the eyes of the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, the computer inside of Google’s self-driving cars is now a legal driver. If you’ve had your eyes closed, open them now — this technology is closer than you realize.

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Google’s self-driving cars are learning to deal with bad weather

They day when you don’t have to worry about driving your car — because it will drive itself — is closer than you realize. Google is testing their vehicles in harsh climates to make sure they can handle winter driving.  Maybe we should be inviting Google to Minot?

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Google’s Self-Driving Cars Might be too Good at Braking for Cyclists

Every driver has been frustrated by a four-way stop stand-off, but what would you do if there were no driver in the other car? Apparently, Google’s self-driving cars are too good at yielding the right-of-way to cyclists; the cyclists didn’t mind.

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Driverless Taxis Could Already Be Cheaper Than Cabs

Does the idea of a self-driving car make you nervous? You’ll need to start getting over it, because the economics of this technology make it a virtual certainty. The questions isn’t if it will happen, but how soon? Motherboard has the latest on the cost savings.

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Google’s Self-Driving Cars on On the Road in California

This technology is closer than we all realize. And here’s the thing, these cars have actually been on the road for a while and have also been involved in 12 accidents. In each case, it was the human drivers who were at fault.  

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Google’s Plan to Eliminate Human Driving in 5 Years

While most car companies are taking an evolutionary approach to implementing automated controls in cars, Google is betting the moon shot. They’re investing heavily in a concept that a radical cultural shift will take place when the vehicles are ready.

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