3M suspends operations in Venezuela, citing unrest

Corporate titan 3M says doing business in Venezuela is too risky; they’ve suspended operations at a cost of nearly $160 million. Get the full story from the Star Tribune in the link below, but it’s a story that matters in Minot for two reasons. First, it’s a reminder that the trust that binds our economies

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Journalist Ernie Pyle’s account of D-Day

Below you’ll find the introduction to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ernie Pyle’s account of what he experienced and wrote about in the days immediately after the Normandy landings. Continue reading at the Fargo Forum. NORMANDY BEACHHEAD, June 12, 1944 – Due to a last-minute alteration in the arrangements, I didn’t arrive on the beachhead until the

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Navy says UFOs are real, pilots not speculating on the origin

The Navy isn’t making any claims about where they come from, but one thing’s for sure — they have regular reports from pilots on flying objects they can’t identify. Get the full story that’s sure to spark a few coffee conversations from the New York Times.

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Beer culture, brewing and liquor license issues in the news

If you’re a regular or casual reader of TheMinotVoice, you’ve probably caught coverage of beer-related issues. It’s an ongoing topic because when valued as an integral part of a local economy; the returns are measurable. Here’s a smattering of recent stories relevant to the topic. Mandan Bar Owner Wins Appeal to Keep Mural A mural

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Africa is leading the world in plastic bag reform

Whether through bans, taxes, or simple acknowledgment of the problem — people and countries across the globe are waking up to the scourge of plastic invading our natural environments. And in countries throughout Africa, they’re taking aggressive steps to reduce usage and impacts — particularly of plastic bags. It’s a local story because the impacts

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How Minot might collapse if the incentive to achieve and produce is stymied

Odds are high that you’ve watched some type of post-apocalyptic TV series or movie. If you have, you know there are a lot of interpretations of what the fall of humanity looks like — through an artist’s or a writer’s imagination. But what does collapse look like in real life, in the real world? The

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Saudi Arabia says oil tankers hit off UAE coast, Iran calls for probe

We know North Dakota has changed when news of an oil tanker conflict in the Mid-East can be characterized as a local topic. But that’s the world we live in. Reuters has the full story on the incident. It matters in North Dakota because political stability half a world away leads to price stability in

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North Dakota 18th in the world in oil production

At 1.4 million barrels per day, North Dakota’s oil production makes it the 18th biggest producer in word today — if we were a country. By 2030, that number is expected to grow to more than 2 million barrels per day. Patrick Springer with InForum has the full story on North Dakota’s macro trends and

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Hitchhiking to Egypt and ancient life on the Giza Plateau

This week’s second hour of #GoodTalk Minot featured Minot-native Dr. Mark Lehner, world renown authority on what life was really like at the time the Great Sphinx and pyramids were built. As interesting as the ancient Egypt side of the conversation is, you may appreciate the story of how Dr. Lehner found himself there in

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Minot-rooted Egyptologist Mark Lehner making news across North Dakota

Minot native and world renown Egyptologist Mark Lehner is in North Dakota this week. He’ll be joining the conversation on #GoodTalk Minot Wednesday at 1:00pm and speaking on Thursday evening at MSU. But if you’re curious about a primer, Mr. Lehner gave Prairie Public an interview last week that plots his path from Minot to

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Iran will continue oil exports despite U.S. pressure

In what can now be described as a spat between world leaders, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran will keep pumping oil despite a recent U.S. announcement that it will quit offering sanction-related waivers for purchase of Iranian oil exports. Meanwhile, production from the Bakken continues at near-record pace. Oil prices this morning are (WTI)

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U.S. Said to End Iran Oil Waivers After May 2 Expiration

Nothing moved North Dakota’s economy over the last 10-years like oil development and even with the slow down of the past few years, energy still has a massive impact on our economy, our communities, and our government budgets.  All that makes us heavily dependent energy price fluctuations and those are prices that move on large,

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Inside X, the Moonshot Factory Racing to Build the Next Google

No, this isn’t the lead-in to an algebra joke. ‘X’ is the name of Google’s research and development factory — the place where the test out radical ideas to see if they can become viable companies. One of those, Loon, was the feature of a Minot Voice post long ago, and this article from WIRED captures

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Trade tariffs weigh heavy on big beer bottom lines

When tariffs on aluminum get tossed around as negotiating chips, America’s big beer makers get nervous. When you sell a lot of beer in aluminum cans, even a little tariff can have a big impact. Joe Deaux writing for Bloomberg has the story on the trade-offs that may result from fighting a trade war. It’s

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African elephants are migrating to safety—and telling each other how to get there

Travel by night, because that’s safer. Poachers are out during the day. Listen for the language the people are speaking, that will tell you if they’re dangerous. Botswana is your goal; it’s safe there. The manner in which African elephants are adapting to an increasingly hostile world is extraordinary. This article tells the story.

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Norway will spend $13 million to upgrade its doomsday seed vault

On the top of the world, there’s a little island that belongs to Norway; its global importance is hard to overstate. It’s our final insurance policy. If everything goes haywire, this is the place we go to get the seeds to begin growing critical crops. It’s our genetic safety deposit box. And it’s getting an

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