Road Trip Reflections & Minot’s Path to Progress

A couple of years ago I brought a car back from Florida. I used the trip as an opportunity to see how Minot measured up. I wanted to see how we compared to other places. I didn’t have a lot of time, so my stops were brief. Most were maybe an hour – just enough

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City Presents Comprehensive Plan at Open House

The City of Minot has been working on its 2040 Comprehensive Plan for the past year. It’s a significant document that will inform decisions and the direction of the community for many years. And on Wednesday, the public got a chance to hear from the team that put it together and see the document in

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State Legislature a step closer to Stripping Fargo of Local Control Over Voting

For the past several election cycles, Fargo has had a unique challenge — lots of candidates. It resulted in elections being won with small percentages of votes. To address the issue, the City switched to ‘approval voting’; it’s a system whereby voters select all the candidates they approve of holding office. The initiative to switch

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Air Force declares Grand Forks Fufeng project ‘significant threat’

The proposed corn milling project in Grand Forks by Chinese-owned Fufeng Group is dead. The U.S. Air Force has made it clear they view the project as a threat to national security. Senator Hoeven and Senator Cramer issued the following joint statement: “City leaders have asked for clarity from leaders in the federal government regarding

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Western North Dakota area is officially Homesteader’s Gap

If you saw it on a map before Thursday, it would have been called Squaw Gap. Today, it’s called Homesteader’s Gap. It’s a small, unincorporated place South of Williston, and it’s at the forefront of reconsidered thinking when it comes to what we call our places. It’s a simple idea: words matter. While we don’t

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Our little town just became a Metropolitan Planning Area

The magic number in the Magic City has long been 50,000. That’s how many people we wanted here; it opens the door to forming a Metropolitan Planning Organization, which in turn opens other doors to dollars and planning. Well, we made it. Jill Schramm with The Minot Daily News has the full story and all

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North Dakota lawmakers look to boost immigration as labor shortage hampers economy

North Dakota is short of workers. You don’t need the news to tell you, step into any local business or restaurant and you’re likely to experience it firsthand. But what can lawmakers do about the problem? Well, Tim Mattern, a Fargo-area Democrat has some ideas. He’s sponsored two bills that would put the state squarely

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