Air Force declares Grand Forks Fufeng project ‘significant threat’

The proposed corn milling project in Grand Forks by Chinese-owned Fufeng Group is dead. The U.S. Air Force has made it clear they view the project as a threat to national security. Senator Hoeven and Senator Cramer issued the following joint statement:

City leaders have asked for clarity from leaders in the federal government regarding the Fufeng project. The Air Force left ambiguity off the table when they said: ‘The proposed project presents a significant threat to national security with both near- and long-term risks of significant impacts to our operations in the area.’ As we have recommended, we believe the city should discontinue the Fufeng project and instead we should work together to find an American company to develop the agriculture project.”

As a result, Grand Forks Mayor Brandon Bochenski has also stated the project should be stopped. Get the full story from the Grand Forks Herald linked below.

And why does it matter in Minot? Given our close ties to the Air Force, it forces us to think about the projects we pursue locally.


This article was sourced from:

Meghan Arbegast, Grand Forks Herald


Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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