The State of Democracy in 2023 by the Data

When it comes to democracy and the freedoms we live under, there are global trends at play as we speak, but without the data, it’s hard to see them. That’s where ‘Our World in Data’ steps in; they’re a non profit focused on gathering data and research on the big problems we’re facing together and making it accessible and understandable. And when it comes to Democracy, they’ve pulled a few sources together to give us a snapshot of the planet in 2023.

Here’s the quick results:

  • Over the last two hundred years, we are trending toward a more democratic world.
  • A lot of democratic strides have been made in the very recent past, and the turmoil it took to get there is not long forgotten.
  • We are not all gaining democratic rights equally.
  • The last couple years we’ve taken some steps backward, toward a less democratic world and away from freedom.

The Our World In Data is an interesting site to explore, if you want to learn more about the state of democracy in 2023, here’s the link. 

Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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