City Council Candidates Comment on Efficient Use of Community Facilities

This week it’s questions five and six in our online City Council candidate’s forum. Below, you’ll find comments on question six relating to making the most of our existing community facilities.

Check out their answers below. To learn more about this forum, the introductions to the first week’s questions tell you a bit more about it, and you can also check out our City Council Election Headquarters.

Read the responses of all those who participated below. The election is Tuesday, June 13th. You’ll be choosing six members from among the nine candidates.

How can the City of Minot better coordinate usage of community facilities that aren’t necessarily owned by the ‘City of Minot’ (i.e. North Dakota State Fair Center, MAYSA Arena, Minot Auditorium, MSU Dome, MSU Football Stadium, etc.)? Would increased coordination eliminate the need for additional community facilities?

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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