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Karaoke Night

Saturday, July 27th

Blue Rider

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Lainey Wilson

Saturday, July 27th

North Dakota State Fair

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Buy One Get One! (Well Drinks & Domestic Pours)

July 29th — August 1st

Arny’s 2.0

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NewsNew Tech Makes Finding Veins a Lot Easier

Trials are underway in Australia, but we’re guessing technology like this will find its way around the world fairly fast. It uses harmless near-infrared light, and it can be used anywhere. Watch the Video. [...]

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NewsComing Soon to Netflix

Marco Polo When: December 12, 2014 Story: An historic epic series following the journey of Marco Polo through the ancient world. We assume much artistic license has been taken. Bloodline Daredevil When: May 2015 Story: Crime fighting blind lawyer Matt Murdoch on the streets of New York. [...]

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NewsBoutique Creamery Starts Chocolate Milk Craze in New Zealand

Few things are more satisfying than a glass of good chocolate milk. And it seems that a small creamery in New Zealand finally figured this out. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

NewsNo Surprise: Oil Patch Counties Lead in Rising Incomes for Middle Class

Williams, Ward, and Stark Counties are among the rising-income leaders nationwide. The rest of Western North Dakota isn’t faring bad either. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

NewsU.S. Citizens Found Murdered in Mexico

The three young American citizens had been missing since October 13. Their bodies were found in the border state of Tamaulipas. They were last seen in the custody of police. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Los Angeles Times

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NewsWash Hands, Stay Healthy

I recall a common conversation I had with my children as they were growing up. “Did you wash your hands?” I would ask my two older kids as they popped into their places at the dinner table. “Yes,” they usually answered. “Did you use soap?” I continued. “Yep!” they replied in unison. One time my [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: NDSU Extension Service

News400 Barrel Fracking Water Spill in Bowman County

— Official News Release, ND Dept. of Health — BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) has been notified of a 400 barrel spill of water used for enhanced oil recovery at a well owned by Denbury Onshore in Bowman County approximately six miles south of Marmarth. The spill reached an unnamed [...]

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NewsWinter Weather Driving Tips

Don’t let the nicer weather fool you, winter could strike at any time. That means a winter driving refresher is appropriate, especially if this is your first winter in North Dakota. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KMOT News

NewsSen. Hoeven & Gov. Dalrymple Pressure EPA to Move NAWS Forward

Senator Hoeven is pressuring EPA director Gina McCarthy to come to a workable solution for the final implementation of the Northwest Area Water System. [...]

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NewsLand Board Awards $2 Million for Minot Airport

— Official News Release — BISMARCK, N.D. – The Board of University and School Lands (Land Board) today awarded about $5 million in energy impact grants to K-12 schools and airports in North Dakota’s oil-production region. During today’s grant round, the Land Board awarded about $2 million to K-12 schools and another $3 million to [...]

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NewsRabid Horse Found in Rural Estevan

Rabies is a persistent threat in our part of the world, and this article will give you a good refresh on the pertinent facts. The horse has been put down, a quarantine on the herd is expected. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Estevan Mercury

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NewsEnbridge Pipeline Slowed Down in Minnesota

A proposed oil pipeline will be slowed down to explore alternative routes through Northern Minnesota. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission denied a motion by Enbridge that would have expedited approval of the pipeline’s route. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

CurioFlaring: Satellite Imagery of Western North Dakota

This is an older story, but it deserves to be in place to help contextualize the next article from the Williston Herald. Take a quick peek, the pictures will give you the most sense of the issue. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: NPR

NewsFlaring: Are We Wasting a Valuable Resource

It’s one of the big questions in the oil field, and you only have to look at a satellite image of Western North Dakota to get the idea that we must be burning a lot of gas, and money. [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: Williston Herald

NewsGoogle’s Safety Road Show Comes to Minot

One of Google’s outreach program was in Minot visiting with middle school kids at Ramstad on how to be safe online. For more on Internet safety visit [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: KX News

NewsSewer Vents: Prepare Now to Avoid Cold Walks on Roof

— Reprinted from NDSU Extension Service — Taking steps now can prevent sewer vents from freezing this winter. Last winter was long and cold. That was the perfect weather to cause frozen sewer vent pipes on many houses. “Now, while the weather is nice and there is no snow on the roof, is the time [...]

Read & Share   sourced from: NDSU Extension Service