#NoDAPL Protester Arrested for Firing a Weapon at Police

A #NoDAPL protestor was arrested yesterday for pulling a revolver and firing it at police officers at the scene. No one was injured in this incident, but there was another firearms incident with an injury not involving law enforcement. All told, there were more than 130 arrests yesterday. Rob Port has the story.

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#NoDAPL: Communication Between Law Enforcement and Protesters Breaks Down

The protesters have told Morton County law enforcement officials that they’ve drawn their line. A new camp on private landed owned by Dakota Access LLC was established Sunday, but the protesters claim it for the Sioux people and say they’re not leaving.

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Report: Dakota Access dog handlers weren’t licensed to work security

Private Security working for the Dakota Access pipeline during the early September confrontation with protestors was not licensed to provide security in North Dakota. The information is the result of a Morton County investigation into the September 3 incident.

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Mark Ruffalo Visits Protest Camps, Chimes in on #NoDAPL

The protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline had a notable advocate in North Dakota Tuesday. Actor Mark Ruffalo addressed a crowded room of supporters at Prairie Knights Casino on the bigger protest message that we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

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Watch: Morton County Responds to Developments in #NoDAPL Protest

It seems there is an escalation taking place in some factions of the #NoDAPL protest camps South of Mandan. Watch the Morton County news conference via the live Facebook feed below for a full accounting of the last couple days of activity. Image: Courtesy of Morton County Sheriff’s Department Facebook Page.

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Protesters move camp to Dakota Access property

Citing the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie, protestors against the Dakota Access Pipeline relocated one of their camps to the private ranch land recently purchased by Dakota Access. Caroline Grueskin of the Bismarck Tribune has the full story.

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Film Crew Finds Unwelcome Reception at #NoDAPL Camp

Documentary filmmakers for the movie ‘FrackNation’ called law enforcement in Morton County on Tuesday for assistance leaving one the #NoDAPL protest camps. The filmmakers allege they were prevented from leaving the camp after conducting an interview. Get the full story from the Bismarck Tribune.

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Riot Charge Dropped Against #NoDAPL Journalist

Charges of ‘engaging in a riot’ related to a September 3 incident at a worksite of the Dakota Access Pipeline were dropped Monday against Democracy Now journalist Amy Goodman. Caroline Grueskin of the Bismarck Tribune has the full report.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune