Souris River Reservoirs Ready for Spring Melt

Though current signs from Mother Nature point to a less active flood season, the reservoirs above Minot are at their winter operating levels and ready to handle the spring melt. The first official flood forecast for 2015 will be released February 1st.

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Minnesota signs onto Accord to Protect Lake Winnipeg

The State of Minnesota has formally joined a group that is working towards improving the water quality in Lake Winnipeg. It’s an issue for Minot and North Dakota also as the Souris River also ends up in North of the border.

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Manitoba Consides Replacing 80 Kilometers of Dike on the Assiniboine

The $245 million (canadian dollars) plan would replace existing dikes that are as much as a hundred years old and protect to flows up to 23,000 CFS. The article also outlines other flood protection projects being explored by the province.

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Assiniboine Water Conference in Regina

The floods of 2011 and 2014 have created a new urgency in developing a comprehensive plan for managing the Assiniboine river and it’s tributaries (the Souris river is a tributary). Jim Olson of KX News provides coverage from the conference in Regina.

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Lake Darling Fall Update

The flow on the Souris river will continue through out the fall and winter in order to draw Lake Darling down to it’s pre-spring runoff level.

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Manitoba Exploring Massive Flood Protection Reservoir

It’s one of several options being considered, but following the floods of 2011 and 2014 on the Assiniboine River (Souris River is a tributary of) there is more willingness to explore and possibly accept dramatic protection alternatives.

Read & Share   sourced from: Winnipeg Free Press