Corps of Engineers Interested in Dead Loop Restoration Through Souris Basin

The Souris River Joint Board’s monthly meeting was yesterday; the work continues on implementing all aspects the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Plan. Of note, members of the Corp of Engineers were in Minot this past week and they expressed an interest in projects related to ecosystem restoration. In plain English, the message being conveyed

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Outside Perspective: Residents flood city council in support of Portneuf River Vision Study

Here in Minot, we’re having our own discussion about to do with the Souris River. Should we wall ourselves off from it forever, or should we try and recapture some aspects of it as a natural resource? This article out of Idaho is remarkable because you change out the name of the city and the

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Estevan receives funding for two Souris Watershed infrastructure projects

Rafferty Reservoir is set to become the primary water source for the City of Estevan as a result of two water infrastructure projects that found both provincial and federal funding. They include construction of a residuals management facility to treat wastewater created in the water treatment process and a new water intake pipeline for the City in

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Assiniboine Initiative Scientist urges adaptions

The Souris River basin originates in Saskatchewan, dips into North Dakota and returns to Manitoba where it joins the Assiniboine River. And it’s all part of a larger global system that will be impacted by climate change. That was the message of Bob Sandford, EPCOR chairman for Water and Climate Security with the United Nations University

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River Restoration: 11-Mile Makeover of the LA River is Moving Right Along

The Souris River as it passes through Minot has lost much of its natural allure — mostly due to the fact we’ve been trying to figure out how to protect ourselves when it floods. But a conversation has started about how to recover some of what we’ve lost in terms of the benefits a river

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Below Normal Runoff Expected from Souris Basin in Canada

The Saskatchewan Water Security Agency issued their first flood forecast of the year this week. The prognosis: the Souris River basin in Canada seems likely to have below normal runoff in the spring of 2016. The forecast assumes average amounts of precipitation over the next three months. Also included in the report was a survey

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Hoeven: Corps Chooses Minot for New Permanent Flood Protection Study

The Mouse River flood protection plan was chosen as a project worthy of an Army Corps of Engineers permanent flood protection study. The study is the first step in the Federal authorization process that may one day lead to more significant Federal funding. Senator Hoeven’s news release on the story follows below. — Official News

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Idea for Minot: Imagine a Free Flowing Mouse River

It’s a fun morning when a great idea for Minot ends up in my inbox. Today is one of those days. This idea comes from the team at Ackerman Estvold Engineering, and it’s a solution to the problem of the dead loops and goal of making the Mouse River a point of community pride. And

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Idea for Minot: Let Us Never Forget 2011

The City of Minot is close to wrapping up its Phase II National Disaster Resilience Competition application. The goal: show contest judges Minot has a solid action plan to make our community more resilient to the impacts of flooding. There will be public meetings and the opportunity for you to comment on the application in

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Sherwood River Gage in Danger of Collapse

The Souris River gauge at Sherwood is in jeopardy because of erosion. Discussion about what to do about is taking place. Commentary: Minot should find a way to contribute to saving this station and the 80 years of data we’ve collected from it.

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Flood Protection: Phase II & Phase III Design Concept Open House

Members of the Souris River Joint Board and engineers from Ackerman Estvold and Bar Engineering held a public input meeting at Perkett School last night. The design work for Minot’s west-side flood protection is ~30% complete; this meeting was intended to present the progress and gather public feedback. Here are the important points: This meeting

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International Souris River Board Meeting

The International Souris River Board met Friday in Estevan. Jim Olson of KX News was there and has the coverage.

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Flood Control: Corp of Engineers Holding Open Public Meetings in April

There’s a little progress on the flood protection front to report — Hooray! The Corps of Engineers and the Souris River Joint Board will be holding two public forums and informational meetings coming up in April.  The official news release follows below, but here are the dates and times: April 8, Burlington High School Gym.

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Souris River Water Quality Improves

Consistent water flow the past several years and a big flush in 2011 have improved the quality of water in the Souris River.

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Flood Foreast Favorable: ISRB Hosts Winter Meeting

The early-season flood forecast looks good along the Souris River, but officials warn that it’s a basin that can change quickly. And on the long-term operating plan and possible changes, it seems bureaucracy is now holding the process from moving forward.

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Long-term Flood Protection Likely to Start in Rural Areas

Part II of Jim Olson’s look at the state of long-term flood protection in the Souris Valley continues with this feature on one of the likely first steps — protecting many of the rural residents and properties. Of course, everything depends on funding.

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