City of Minot Will Skip Planning Commission Approval Prior to Demolition

The City of Minot intends to demolish the recently purchased Nok Back Tavern property without first seeking Planning Commission approval for zoning changes or future land use changes. Both a zone change and land use map amendment would typically be required prior to issuance of a construction permit if the City were changing the use of the parcel, but the City’s zoning laws do not include such restrictions for the issuance of a demolition permit.

The City has stated that it intends to disconnect the parcels from public utilities and return the parcels to use consistent with a ‘Public’ zoning designation (cite: Youtube Video 21:20). The parcels are currently zoned M2. The Nok Back Tavern building has housed multiple businesses and mixed-use housing dating back to 1910.

In response to a question on whether the City was required to secure a zone change or future land use map amendment on the parcels, Minot City Manager Harold Stewart responded, “Not necessarily, the City could leave it at its current zoning designation if it chose to. Zoning would not have to change unless at some point the City wanted to construct a building other than what it is zoned to allow. However, the City has taken the approach of rezoning properties to keep records clean as we go along. The rezoning by the City has typically not been done until after a project is complete. For example, after the flood control construction was complete in the Sammy’s Pizza area the City came back and rezoned and re-platted all of that area to update to the current uses rather than leaving it platted and zoned as several smaller properties.”

Upon follow-up, Mr. Stewart further clarified that no zone change or future land use amendment would be requested from the Planning Commission prior to substantial completion of infrastructure projects scheduled for the area.

The City’s Future Land Use Map, adopted in 2023, shows the parcels designated as a ‘Downtown Fringe’ as guidance for future land development. While not needed for flood protection, the City cited advantages related to flood protection and a future bridge rehabilitation as cause for acquiring the parcels. The cost to taxpayers to leave the building in place was $268,000. The cost for acquisition was $310,000 plus closing costs and demolition. The cost of demolition was estimated at $30,000-$50,000.

Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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