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Council Votes 4-3 to Release Records on Nok Back Tavern Discussions

On a 4-3 vote, Minot City Council voted to release executive session records from April 15th and May 6th related to the purchase of the Nok Back Tavern properties. This story is part of ongoing coverage of the land acquisition that has raised questions on executive session practices and transparency.

An Attorney General Opinion has been requested on the matter, but that review process is expected to take 90-120 days. Council acted in the interest of transparency to preemptively release the protected records.

Those supporting the release were Mayor Ross, Council Member Podrygula, Council Member Evans, Council Member Pitner. Those voting against the release were Council Member Jantzer, Council Member Olson, and Council Member Burlingame.

The full video of the item can be viewed below.

Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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