CurioOn This Day | News Shorts from 1908
Bowbells defeated Columbus by a score of 5 to 0 in a game of basketball last week. No team has scored against Bowbells this yar. They shut out Kenmare by a score of 4 [...]
Read & ShareBack to the Beginning from our sister site Research.ForMinot. It is a twice-weekly reading and reflection project on the U.S. Constitution. We’re reintroducing our...
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Bowbells defeated Columbus by a score of 5 to 0 in a game of basketball last week. No team has scored against Bowbells this yar. They shut out Kenmare by a score of 4 [...]
Read & ShareThe trade territory of a town is not all dependent upon the distance to neighboring trading points. The trade territory depends upon the enterprise of the merchants and the residents of the town. ... [...]
Read & ShareTo save an editor from starvation, take his newspaper and pay him for it promptly. To save him from bankruptcy, advertise in his paper liberally. To save him from profanity, write your correspondence plainly [...]
Read & ShareRiverton High School in Wyoming has implemented a policy banning cellphone use in classrooms. While initial adjustments were challenging, students and staff report improved focus, learning, and social interactions. Principal Thomas Jassman notes decreased student drama and bullying. Teachers find their jobs easier without phone distractions. The policy shift follows encouragement from Wyoming officials to [...]
Read & Share sourced from: WyoFileCharles Marohn is the founder of Strong Towns and has been a regular key note speaker at North Dakota’s Main Street Summits. He’s also a licensed engineer and someone who’s studied communities, the decisions they make, and the path to community prosperity more than the average person. His conclusion — doing the smallest things, and [...]
Read & Share sourced from: Strong TownsSubscribe to Today in Minot!
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The sun is entering a cycle of increased solar activity, and by all reports, we’re going have more opportunities to see the northern lights that we have in recent years. But will you be able to see them from where you’re at? That probably depends on how much light pollution you’re standing under. It’s newer [...]
Read & Share sourced from: Cedar Rapids GazetteEllendale, North Dakota, is expecting 20 new rental homes for Applied Digital employees by spring 2025, a project spearheaded by Headwaters Development and supported by North Dakota’s R-WISH program. This initiative aims to bolster rural housing in communities with under 20,000 residents. The Bank of North Dakota, local contractors, and Ellendale’s government contribute through collaborative [...]
Read & Share sourced from: North Dakota MonitorToday is Monday, December 2nd. The sun will rise on the 72nd day of fall, and the 337th day of the year at 8:17 AM. We will see 8 hours 35 minutes of daylight before it sets at 4:52 PM. See What's Happening Today in Minot! #SupportLocalMedia #SavorMinot [...]
Read & ShareOn this day an emperor ascended, America said "no more" to Europe, and Enrico Fermi really got something going. In Minot, we were not compromising when it came to public health, but we were optimistic about our future. [...]
Read & ShareWe have no "knockers here. There is not a man, woman or child who will not stand up for the city. [...] Last but not least, the newspapers of Minot never let a chance [...]
Read & ShareMinot at the present time is having a siege with two dreaded diseases, scarlet fever and small pox. In both instances, the diseases are not very severe, but in the mildest cases, they are [...]
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The apple is the most democratic of all fruits ... It breathes the free spirit of the American township and village. It has a flavor of old New England and yet a pungency as [...]
Read & ShareIn 2017, North Dakota legalized E-tab machines (the polite way of saying “Slot Machine”) as part of the state’s broader charitable gaming policies. The rise in revenue has been meteoric; we’re just starting to observe the full consequences. Kyara Brown with KX News takes a deeper look at the industry, breaks down how the revenue [...]
Read & Share sourced from: KX NewsA newspaper that had gone silent is stirring again. Established in 1925, The Advocate is a campus newspaper for MSU-Moorhead; in recent years it had gone quiet due to lack of student interest. For a college with a journalism program, that wasn’t idea. Now, thanks to a couple passionate students and a professor, the biweekly [...]
Read & Share sourced from: InForumToday is Sunday, December 1st. The sun will rise on the 71st day of fall, and the 336th day of the year at 8:15 AM. We will see 8 hours 37 minutes of daylight before it sets at 4:52 PM. See What's Happening Today in Minot! #SupportLocalMedia #SavorMinot [...]
Read & ShareOn this day, Ukraine said "no" to Russia the first time. Henry Ford finally got the line moving, and less than 70 years ago Rosa Parks was arrested for sitting on a bus because she was black. In Minot, a local newspaper was unpacking the idea of electoral college reform. [...]
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